The coolest drink in town!


All natural & made with love
Meleo is made from the peel, so it is important that the fruit is smooth and unsprayed. The Fruits are also washed diligent before the start of the process and provided with the necessary love before it becomes our tasty product within a few weeks. Meleo has a much longer process than other liqueurs. Because we give the fruits time to ripen in the natural way, we must wait for the best season. The best Mandarins and lemons of our farms are only harvested between November and January. Only the first harvest of each year meets the requirements that Meleo sets for its product. Our Fresanello is made from the sweetest and best strawberries summer can bring. This will result in the unique and soft taste of Meleo Mandarinello, Limoncello and Fresanello. All-important facets mentioned above ensure this delicious liqueur; a party in your glass. Close your eyes, take a sip and imagine yourself on your Holiday in Spain or Italy. We have been able to capture the sunny influences and the ultimate vacation feeling in one bottle. Serve at freezing temperature as an aperitif, after-dinner drink, or simply in the mix during any party. Enjoy your new favorite drink!

The best organic mandarins from the region Valencia in Spain
Meleo mandarinello is an Award winning alcoholic drink which is made from the best organic mandarins from the region Valencia in Spain. Meleo stands for quality and is based on organically grown mandarins.The mandarins are grown through Biodynamic Agriculture; all fruit is grown in an environmentally friendly way. For example, the drippers work with collected rainwater and the solar panels provide the farm with electricity. Instead of insect repellent, natural enemies of pests are grown locally and released between the fruit trees so that insect pests are ecologically eradicated in this way. All fruit is picked by hand to ensure the best quality.

The best unsprayed lemons from Sicily in Italy
We also have a wonderfully soft, sweet, and handmade limoncello. Our limoncello is made in the same way as our Mandarinello.
With the best unsprayed ingredients but this time from Sicily in Italy. Our lemons are the best of the season and only the first pick is used. This means that our Limoncello is limited available since we only harvest in January. In addition to our lemons, another “secret weapon” is added. This makes the taste of our Limoncello Exclusivo so fine and unique. To ensure that the Limoncello has a naturally softer finish, we have added some mandarin to our recipe which gives it a delicious sour but sweet taste. Of course our Limoncello Exclusivo is free of artificial flavors and additives. Because it is so easy to drink, it is a devil in disguise because with a 30% alcohol percentage this Limoncello Exclusive will even make the non-limoncello lover a big fan. Serve our Limoncello Exclusivo straight from the freezer as an aperitif, together with its bestie “Gin” or mix with a delicious Cava or Prosecco with some fruit to make the party complete.

brings back sweet memories of warm summer evenings
Above all Meleo is a drink that makes you happy and brings back sweet memories of those warm summer evenings. This will certainly succeed when you taste our Fresanello strawberry liqueur.The delicious, sweet strawberry flavor immediately transports you to that warm evening at the beach. Because we only use the best, sweetest and tastiest strawberries of the season, this liqueur is not available all year round. So be quick! Although this liqueur is delicious to drink pure, it is also a great summer drink when mixed with Seven-up, for example. Too sweet? Then try the mix with a tonic and some mint.
Golden combination
Delicious straight from the freezer with an extra cube of ice. But what do you think of the golden combination strawberries and champagne? Mix ¼ fresanello with ¾ of bubbles. The natural strawberry flavor will continue to dominate in your champagne but makes it a fruity fresh drink. Enjoy the summer!